Philanthropy has long been part of the Bloxham story. Our bursary and hardship funds, along with much of our campus, owe a great deal to the generosity of our well-wishers. So much has been made possible by the support of Old Bloxhamists, parents, grant-making trusts and others whose generosity has ensured that the spirit of Bloxham lives on. We are deeply grateful to them all.

Today our fundraising activities support a range of causes. Our priority however is fundraising for means-tested transformational bursaries – to enable as many children as possible, irrespective of their background, to benefit from a Bloxham education.

For more information or for a confidential discussion, please contact the Development Office at [email protected] or 01295 232040.

The Gift of a Bloxham education

Assisted places, scholarships, bursaries and hardship support are all in Bloxham's DNA and we are determined to keep honouring the vision of our Founder, Philip Egerton, that Bloxham should be a school for all families from all backgrounds.

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A Gift for Future Generations

Philanthropic gifts have played a central role in the development of the School site and educational facilities over the years, benefitting many generations of Bloxhamists.

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Supporting a passion for learning

Gifts in support of academic endeavour enable the School to maintain its first-class teaching and deliver a rich and diverse curriculum.

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Contact Us

The Alumni and Development Office - 01295 232040

Our team

Matt Bull
Deputy Head (External Communications) Matt Bull
Rachel Graves
Head of Development Rachel Graves
Sarah Demirtges
Alumni and Development Officer Sarah Demirtges
Kate Greaves
Alumni and Development Officer Kate Greaves
Simon Batten
School Archivist Simon Batten
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