Bloxham School was founded by The Reverend Philip Reginald Egerton, a local Church of England clergyman who wanted to provide an education for young people that was set within a clear and distinct Christian understanding of the world. The school still has this Christian emphasis at its heart and Christian values are one of the five hallmarks upon which the school operates today.

The school seeks to nurture a compassionate spirit in all students so that they become a force for good in an ever-changing world. Christian moral values and ethical standards stand at the heart of our school life and are woven into the teaching and pastoral care at Bloxham.

Although the school has been built on a Christian ethos, those of any faith, or none, are welcome at Bloxham and we openly encourage understanding, diversity and tolerance for all.

While we most noticeably seek to form and develop our spiritual life in our chapel services, it is lived out within the whole life of the school, in the way students relate to each other and the wider world. We value kindness and compassion and teach our students the value of contributing to their community. Our well-supported service programme sees Bloxham students volunteer at food banks, care homes and local primary schools each week, giving them a lasting experience of making a difference. They are involved in a wide variety of charity activities.

".... the school has excellent levels of success in encouraging pupils to develop as individuals whose characters are firmly grounded in good principles."

Independent School Inspectorate (ISI)

Chapel and Chaplaincy

The school Chaplaincy is available to all students and it is a place where they can receive encouragement, explore matters of faith and seek advice. Regular weekly worship forms an integral part of school life and these services seek to be an opportunity where all students and staff can come together as a community, to pause and reflect, to explore and worship.

The school chaplain, Rev. Alexander Ladds, is an ordained member of the Church of England and is available to all the Bloxham community, both pupils and staff. He is full time, lives on site and is involved in the whole life of the school. This means that he interacts with pupils on a daily basis in a variety of different settings which ensures that pupils have the opportunity to get to know him. He is an integral part of the wider pastoral care team, seeking to help all find meaning and purpose in their lives as they negotiate their way in an increasingly confusing world.

The chaplain is responsible for the beautiful chapel and coordinates the chapel program where the whole community comes regularly to worship. Chapel services, while firmly rooted in the Anglican Eucharistic tradition, seek to be an opportunity to reflect, think and ponder and pupils are actively involved in different roles within these services.

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