Bloxham School has an excellent reputation for pastoral care – we will grow to know your child inside out, finding out what makes them tick in and out of the classroom.

Ours is an inclusive and caring community, founded on a whole-school commitment to every child’s wellbeing. As a smaller school, everyone is known and cared for according to their individual needs, by people who believe in them and have a desire to help them to become the best that they can be.

At the heart of our pastoral care are our houses. Prior to their arrival at Bloxham School, each child is assigned to a house, and to a tutor, who is responsible for their development. The tutor meets with each tutee daily and, together with the Housemaster or Housemistress, will oversee the student’s curriculum programme as well as their welfare and personal development.

Pupils always have someone to turn to and a wealth of staff looking out for them. Our Pastoral team includes:


The Housemaster/mistress is responsible for ensuring that each member of the house is happy, well cared for and progressing. He or she may well be the first person a student meets when they arrive at the school and is often the first person to whom they turn if they have a problem.

All students will meet their Housemaster/mistress several times a day and have ample opportunity for formal discussions and informal chats.

Housemasters/mistresses encourage parents to play a full part in the education of their child and work with them to ensure that the welfare and progress of their child is always given the highest priority. Housemasters/mistresses are responsible for discipline in their house and ensuring that fair and consistent standards of discipline are applied. Each house has an Assistant Housemaster/mistress who is available when the Housemaster/mistress is off duty.


Each house has a team of around five tutors, each of whom is on duty in the house one evening per week. They will ensure that prep is conducted in an orderly fashion and will be on hand to offer academic or pastoral advice as necessary. Tutors and tutees meet regularly each week providing opportunities to discuss their successes and problems.


Each house has a matron who is responsible for ensuring that all domestic arrangements in the house run smoothly. Matron and the Assistant Matron show considerable care and concern for individual members of their houses. The locker room, Matron’s base, is an important point of social contact in any house. Students frequently drop in for a chat with their matron or her assistant over a drink or a snack.

House Captains and Prefects

The House Prefect Team, including the House Captain, is made up of Upper Sixth Form students who are trained to look out for any students showing signs of unhappiness and will aim to offer help and friendly advice. They attend regular meetings with their Housemaster or Housemistress and assist them and tutors in carrying out their duties to ensure that all members of the house are safe, happy and able to enjoy a full range of activities at school.

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