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Old Bloxhamists

A very warm welcome to our Old Bloxhamist pages.

As an Old Bloxhamist, you are part of a thriving community made up of all members who have spent time at Bloxham, each having their own unique experience at the school – whether they are alumni, former staff, parents or governors. As a community we aim to provide a support network that lasts a lifetime.

A very warm welcome to our Old Bloxhamist pages.

As an Old Bloxhamist, you are part of a thriving community made up of all members who have spent time at Bloxham, each having their own unique experience at the school – whether they are alumni, former staff, parents or governors. As a community we aim to provide a support network that lasts a lifetime.

As a school, we pride ourselves on our well-rounded and successful alumni and we enjoy celebrating Old Bloxhamists’ achievements throughout their lives.

The Bloxham School Alumni and Development Office aims to provide a broad programme of events and communications for all members of the community, across all ages and locations. If you currently do not receive communications from us and would like to find out more, please get in touch with us by emailing and we will add your details to our mailing list (in line with our privacy policy).


How can I update my details on the OB database?

I am trying to reconnect with another Old Bloxhamist, can you help put me in contact?

How do I donate to the school?

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