
By kind invitation of the Headmaster, Old Bloxhamists, former members of staff and friends of the school came together on Sunday 19th May for a delicious Afternoon Tea.

By kind invitation of the Headmaster, Paul Sanderson, Old Bloxhamists, former members of staff and friends of the school came together on Sunday 19th May for a delicious Afternoon Tea.

With a royal theme, guests enjoyed the relaxed environment to catch up with one another and re-kindle old friendships from decades ago. We were delighted to welcome guests from only a few months old, right through to those in their 80s. There was a wonderful atmosphere and the small dining room was filled with much chatter and laughter.

Simon Batten, School Archivist, had curated a fascinating photographic display looking at connections with Bloxham School and the Royal Family. Pictures dated from July 1898 when the school orchestra entertained Edward, Prince of Wales, at Broughton Castle. Other highlights included the visit by the HM Queen Elizabeth The Queen Mother in 1960 to mark the school’s centenary. During this visit a maple tree was planted on the Headmaster’s Lawn. The last Royal visit to the school was in 1986 when the Princess Royal opened The Dewey.

To see more photos of the afternoon, please click here.