
Yesterday, on a perfect English summer’s afternoon, we were delighted to welcome over 60 Old Bloxhamists, their families and friends and former members of staff back to Bloxham for delicious afternoon tea.

As guests arrived, current Upper Sixth Form students, Will D and Tom K, gave a splendid jazz recital. The theme of music continued as Simon Batten, School Archivist, had curated a fascinating display on the history of music at Bloxham School, which was greatly appreciated by all. On display was even a programme for the Midsummer Concert in 1862.

Headmaster Paul Sanderson spoke to welcome everyone, including an OB who was visiting from Canada, and gave an update of the health of the school. He also spoke about continuing the Bloxham School ethos of educating the mind, body and soul of each individual student.

After the tea, many guests visited the school’s Oxfordshire Artweeks exhibition in the Art Studio. This exhibition showcased the huge breadth of talent from students across all age ranges using different mediums and covering a wide range of topics and theories.

This annual event is growing in popularity and it was wonderful to see many generations of OBs, ranging from those who left in the 1940s up to last year’s leavers, coming together to reminisce about school days.

Thank you to all who were able to join us. Further photographs can be found here.