A number of staff recently travelled to London to enjoy dinner with several former Bloxham students who’d come together for the annual OBs’ London Dinner

On Friday 19th September, the Headmaster, accompanied by several members of staff, attended an Old Bloxhamist dinner at the East India Club in London. It was a lovely evening and a pleasure to see OBs from across the generations coming together to compare fond memories of their time at our school.

Presenting on the evening were Sam Ryan and Barney Williams, who both left Bloxham within the last few years and have gone on to achieve critical acclaim for their entrepreneurial initiative, JumpIn, a successful taxi-sharing and booking app. The two entrepreneurs, who met whilst playing cricket as Bloxham Sixth Formers, gave a witty and informative address in which they gave an overview of the experiences to date. They explained the highs and lows of the last year, which included visits to No. 10 Downing Street and Young Entrepreneur of the Year awards, culminating in a lucrative takeover by Addison Lee, the UK’s leading mini-cab company.

Sam and Barney are pictured here flanked by Headmaster Paul Sanderson and Chairman of the Old Bloxhamists, Dominik Wellmann.