Last week, the Champagne Bar of the Institute of Directors on Pall Mall proved a great venue for the Old Bloxhamist community to gather for the much-anticipated OB London Meet. The event provided a wonderful opportunity for nearly 100 guests to gather, including the reunion years of 2020, 2015 and 2005 celebrating their 5-, 10- and 20-year reunions. We were delighted to welcome these cohorts, and it was lovely for friends, who hadn’t seen each other since their school days, to catch up.

In his speech, the Headmaster welcomed Old Bloxhamists and was delighted to share news about current school life and toasted the School’s Founder and first Headmaster, Philip Reginald Egerton, on the eve of the School’s 165th birthday.

The evening flew by with lively story-telling and reminiscing prompted by books of photographs put together by School Archivist, Simon Batten. It was super to see current and former members of staff meet up with so many of their past pupils. We thank Charles Atkinson (Staff 88-13), Debbie Herring (Staff 09-23), Andrew Whiffin (Staff 88-09), Mark and Jacqui Skevington, Simon Batten, Matt Bull and the Headmaster.

As the evening drew to a close, it was evident that the bonds formed at Bloxham School remain strong and vibrant and there was much talk of OB gatherings later in the year and of visits to Bloxham, particularly to share professional experience and offer guidance to the current Bloxham pupils and the next generation of Old Bloxhamists.

We very much look forward to welcoming the Old Bloxhamist community to our next events:

To view more photos of the London Meet, please follow this link: OB London Meet 2025 | Flickr