Mariam Alston (Seddon, LS/Ry 99-05) passed away on 7 July 2023. Mariam will be remembered by many for her artistic achievements at Bloxham, especially in drama and singing. Her closest friends at Bloxham remember her as follows:

The first to challenge and the first to hug, Mariam applied her keen intelligence and fathomless empathy to help people whenever and wherever she could. She was a loyal friend and lifelong advocate for the unheard voice. She may have hated sport, but her impact on those lucky to have her on their side made her the team member anyone would want. Our school memories are full of her infectious laughter and mischievous sense of humour – her powerful energy. She has profoundly impacted everyone in her orbit and is deeply missed by her friends and loved ones, especially her husband Lewis and her family.