Amidst the hustle and bustle of the last week of term, with all its festive jollity, we enjoyed an evening of sublime Christmas music and worship at St Mary’s Church, Bloxham. The church was packed, all gathered to celebrate Christmas with a service in the style of nine lessons and carols.

The beautiful solo soprano voice of Upper Sixth pupil, Molly, sang the first verse of Once in Royal David’s City, with the choir then processing in by candlelight.

With a mixture of traditional congregational carols and choir songs, the evening was beautifully accompanied by members of the School Orchestra, including some guest brass players whose fanfare filled the church. We were also treated to the wonderful organ playing of Dr Martin Ruck.


The service included performances from the Chapel Choir including Bassi’s haunting Quem Pastores Laudavere and Gardner’s feisty Tomorrow Shall be my Dancing Day. For the first time this year, the Exham Choir joined the service and sang the beautiful traditional carol Lully Lulla with music by Stopford. We also heard gospel readings by pupils and the Headmaster, Paul Sanderson.

A highlight of the evening was welcoming 15 OBs to the service. Mr James Ramm, who has, among many other roles, been Choirmaster at Bloxham for nine years, is leaving for pastures new. As his final public performance with Chapel Choir, he invited the Exham Choir and the OB community to join the orchestra in a rousing rendition of Handel’s Hallelujah Chorus.

Bloxham School has community at its core and the Carols by Candlelight Service exemplified this.

There was a retiring collection in support of Katharine House Hospice.

It was a beautiful service, and we are grateful to the Reverend Dale Gingrich, the Bloxham Parish Council and the congregation of St Mary’s for their generosity in hosting the Bloxham School Carol Service.