
On Friday 7th February, Emma B., Joseph L. and Layla W. took part in the District Final of the Rotary Club Youth Speaks competition.

On Friday 7th February, Emma B., Joseph L. and Layla W. took part in the District Final of the Rotary Club Youth Speaks competition.

The team presented a topical debate on privatisation of the NHS. Emma chaired the debate, introducing the speakers and summing up the key arguments. Joseph spoke knowledgeably and persuasively in favour of privatisation, while Layla argued equally passionately for maintaining the core values of the NHS.

Layla said ‘events like these are important, young people should be keeping up with what is going on because it will be us who are affected. I learnt that sometimes the reason you don’t win is because you don’t know what the judges are looking for, but I really enjoyed taking part in the debate.’