
Six Bloxham students had their work shortlisted in the Deddington Creative Writing Festival, including one piece winning its class and another coming second

Earlier this year, Key Stage 3 English students were given the opportunity to submit either a short story or poem to the annual Deddington Festival Writing Competition, on the theme of A Fork in the Road. Six students had work shortlisted, including one which won its class and another piece finishing second.

This year’s Deddington Festival invited children from across Oxfordshire to consider how choices and decisions affect our lives and to submit a story or poem. The event was judged by a prestigious panel of professional writers and provided students with the opportunity to receive receive feedback on their story or poem, which were judged on structure and style, interpretation of the theme, originality and vocabulary. There were more than 250 entries from 14 separate schools in the region and six Bloxham students were shortlisted. ‘All shortlisted entries are to be published in a special book to celebrate the best work submitted.

First Form’s Evie, Second Form’s James and Third Form’s Daisy, Daniel, Maddie and Arthur were all shortlisted and attended the final in Deddington on Sunday 12th June. The winners were announced during the ceremony and Daisy was delighted to be awarded first place in her group for her poem, whilst Arthur received second prize for his short story.

This was a wonderful outcome for all our shortlisted students and the Bloxham English Department very much looks forward to participating again next year.