
Two Bloxham School Sixth Formers are honoured to have had their work selected for an online gallery of works, curated by the Royal Academy of Arts

We are delighted for Robyn C and Alex B, who have had their artwork shortlisted from a field of over 2000 A Level student entries, to the final 92. The 46 winning pieces are now on display on the Royal Academy’s website and can be viewed here. Meanwhile, the other 46 shortlisted entries, including Robyn and Alex’s pictures, are available to browse here. You will find Robyn’s black and white photo and Alex’s painting of a couple sitting on a bed towards the bottom of the page. The curators of the online galleries, Bob and Roberta Smith RA, commended the shortlisted 46 works and described the quality and diversity of the work as “really exciting”.

Well done to both students on what is a phenomenal achievement, and we are bound to see great things from them in the future.