
Bloxham student Ben recently discovered that he has been successful in his application to become an Arkwright Scholar

Sixth Former Ben Cook has been awarded one of this year’s prestigious Arkwright Engineering Scholarships, which are awarded to stand-out young engineers and designers of the future. Following a gruelling application process, Ben was delighted to discover that he had been selected as one of around 450 Arkwright Scholars, taken from a field of over 1400 applicants nationwide. Each successful candidate is matched up with a engineering firm to mentor them, who provide invaluable experience and support. Ben is delighted to have been paired with the Lloyd’s Register Foundation-‘a UK charity which funds the advancement of engineering-related education and research.

With Arkwright Scholarships being so highly sought after, Ben found himself up against some tough competition during the application process, which began back in the Michaelmas Term 2014 and which coincided with the start of Ben’s major coursework project in DT. Therefore, whilst still concentrating on his usual studies, Ben also needed to prepare for his initial application and an aptitude test. Ben and the other highest-scoring candidates were then invited to an interview, from where the successful Arkwright Scholars were selected.’

This marks the third year in succession that a number of Bloxham students have secured this prestigious award. Last year Hugh Johnston and Jacob Lee were both recipients; they are currently beginning their A2 year at Bloxham.’ The previous year Jordan Cook, elder brother of Ben, was also an Arkwright Scholar. Post A Levels, Jordan leaves Bloxham having secured an apprenticeship with Airbus who will be sponsoring him through a university degree in Aeronautical Sciences.

The picture above shows Ben with his GCSE design project.