
On Monday 12th October, Bloxham’s Lower Sixth Politics students enjoyed a tour of Parliament and the opportunity to meet Banbury’s MP, Victoria Prentis

Thanks to Alice Gibbons for her review of Monday’s Politics trip to London:

The Lower Sixth Politics set went to Westminster on Monday 12th October to visit the Houses of Parliament and the Supreme Court. Our first destination was the Houses of Parliament where we had a guided tour of the House of Lords, the House of Commons, Westminster Hall and the Central Lobby. After our tour we had a meeting with Victoria Prentis, our local MP for Banbury, who told us about her role in Westminster, the challenges of adjusting to life as an MP and her life before winning the election in May this year. We were then able to ask her any questions we had about UK politics.

After lunch we queued to hear questions to the Home Secretary Theresa May in the House of Commons, where she was discussing government policy to powers relating to the need to be able to read messages on social media platforms like Snapchat. Our next stop was the Supreme Court, where were given a talk about what it is, why it exists and what it does.

Before returning to school we listened to the justices hearing arguments in a case about the liability of Morrisons supermarket chain for an injury done to one of their customers when they were attacked by an employee. All in all the day
was a fascinating insight into life in Westminster.