
On Friday 5th October, our school captains, Emily E and Toby S P, attended the Annual Head of Schools Conference at Wellington College.

Huge thanks to Emily and Toby for their report on the day:

The day consisted of two parts. The first, consisted of an ice breaker, where we got to know each other, followed by two speakers, who talked about the importance of leadership and our roles and then the power of public speaking. This was particularly useful, as the speaker gave us tips on how to present ourselves, how to get our message across and how we can effectively address an audience. The second part of the day included being split off into groups and taking part in breakout sessions, where we discussed what we want our legacies to be, and how to effectively deal with difficult scenarios that may be presented to us as school captains.

This final session was really useful because we were asked the question; ‘what would you want your legacy to be when you leave?’. It was interesting to find that the answer across almost all 10 groups came back the same: to have an approachable prefect body for all years.’

Overall, we found the day helpful and informative. It was interesting to talk to other school captains and discuss the meaning of these roles at their school. The event also provided us with a network, where we could branch out to other school captains if we needed to. Most importantly, the event specifically helped us to find out what we want our legacies to be at Bloxham and also how to find the right balance when it comes to bridging between what the students want and what the teachers want.