
Bloxham School’s performance of Schools Will Rock you has raised a massive £578.80 for the Mercury Phoenix Trust!

The Mercury Phoenix Trust was founded by Brian May, Roger Taylor and their manager Jim Beach in memory of rock band Queen’s iconic lead singer Freddie Mercury who died in 1991 from AIDS.

In the last 21 years the Trust has given away over 16 million dollars in his name and funded over 700 projects in the global battle against HIV/AIDS. They give to a wide range of Education and Awareness projects, principally targeting young people in the developing world. The 18 million orphans who have lost one or both parents to AIDS are in desperate need of help as they struggle to survive and build their lives, often becoming ‘head of the family’ for their smaller siblings. ‘This disease impacts on the whole community, down to the grandparents who find themselves caring for their dead children’s children. They too need aid and information. The way to combat this disease is through knowledge. Although the Mercury Phoenix Trust gives to the large NGOs and well known charities, the greater part of their funding goes directly to small grassroots organisations which the bigger charities tend to overlook, and where they feel the recipients will achieve value for money.

Thank you so much to everyone who supported the charity over the three performances!