
Old Bloxhamists from all years return to the School for the annual event, All Saints’ Tide.

The day started with the Old Bloxhamist Society Annual General Meeting, followed by the very well attended 200 Club Lunch.

The final event of the day was the much anticipated hockey match between the current 1st XI Bloxham girls’ team and Old Bloxhamists. The OB team were led by last year’s captain, Paige Davis and made up of alumnae from the last nine years as well as Alumni Officer, Victoria Gardner, and guest appearance of Robert Dann as goal keeper!

After the significant Old Bloxhamist win last year of 8-1 it was clear that the Bloxham side were determined to take the title, and presented the OBs with a cohesive and tireless game. The alumnae side made some great runs and tackles but ultimately scored 2 goals to the school’s 5, leaving the Bloxham girls triumphant.

Thank you to all who attend the events of All Saints’ Tide, it was lovely to see Old Bloxhamists of all ages come back to the school, as well as some familiar faces cheering and showing their support from the Dewey viewing gallery.

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