
Bloxham’s young sports leaders have hit the ground running and are already making a hugely positive impact to Sport throughout the school

As part of Bloxham’s service activities, the sports leaders programme has been initiated to give Bloxham’s older students the opportunity to become role models for the younger year groups.

The sports leaders meet on a Thursday to help with the planning and delivery of a variety of sporting activities for the Exham House pupils. Having attended sessions that have helped them understand the basics of teaching and coaching using the “Plan, Do, Review” method, they will now go on to lead parts of fives, netball, hockey, basketball, multi-sports and gym sessions. Sports teacher Louis Yates supervises the activity and is on hand to guide and support the students as they develop their teamwork, communication and leadership skills.

The sports leaders are learning valuable skills that will aid their employability and that they can apply in any workplace, whether that be in teaching, coaching, management or leadership.