We were delighted to welcome visitors from local primary schools to a fun day of scientific problem solving at Bloxham School

We were delighted to welcome a new batch of budding Forensic Scientists from Great Tew Primary School and Windrush Valley School to help us solve the mysterious case of ‘Who killed Mr Hatton?’. Our team conducted scientific research, looking at samples of’blood that were found at the crime scene, drug analysis (a white powder was found on the rim of Mr Hatton’s favourite mug), and finger -printing techniques. A blackmail note was also found in Mr Hatton’s desk, and chromatography of the suspects’ pens confirmed our suspicions.

A good day was had by all, and we’re pleased to announce that the murderer has now been identified!

The day was part of Bloxham School’s ongoing programme of outreach with local primary schools. In recent years, organised events have included mathematics, geography, design and technology, literature, music and many sporting opportunities.