
On Sunday 21st June, around 100 local children arrived at Bloxham to take part in our first ever Cricket and Tennis Festival.

The players and spectators enjoyed perfect weather conditions throughout the day and there was strong support from parents and friends on the sidelines. Congratulations to every player on some very impressive sporting performances and we look forward to welcoming you back to future events!

Under 11 Cricket Festival

We were delighted to welcome a number of teams to compete at our inaugural Cricket Festival for local school children. Thank you to the pupils from Chesham Prep, St John’s Priory, Ashfold and Beachborough, and the teams Banbury, Hook Norton, Westbury and Great Tew Cricket Clubs for some really exciting cricket displays and a brilliant atmosphere throughout the event. Congratulations to overall winners Chesham Prep, who overcame a strong Ashfold side to win an impressive victory, whilst Great Tew and Beachborough won their second and third place play offs respectively.

Under 13 Tennis Festival

It was a busy morning full of lots of matches for our girls doubles pairs at Sunday morning’s first ever Tennis Festival, which was held on the courts by the school’s Dewey Sports Centre. Twenty’players from Ashfold, Beachborough, Bloxham and Banbury Tennis took part, with five pairs competing in two sections for the first round of the round robin event. The third’place play off was won by Emma Stephenson and Lily Wood (Beachborough) who beat Isabella Shellabear and Gini Hope (Ashfold) 4-2. The fourth place play off was won by Tilly Wilcox and Jess Deeley (Bloxham),who beat Grace Hopkins and Claudia Harris (Bloxham) 4-2. The fifth place play off was won by Megan’Williams and Alice Jamin, who beat Mia Asplen-Taylor adn Daisy Persaud (Bloxham).’

Then, it came to the semi-finals, where we watched Isabella Hill and Tilly Kannan (Banbury Tennis Club) defeat Esme Leckie and Lottie Rymer from Beachborough 4-1. In the other semi-final,’Caitlin Platt and India Buckland from Ashfold overcame Ellie Blane and Florence Tuthill (Beachborough) 4-3 in’a very closely contested match.

The day’s grand final was a nail biting affair, which saw Tilly and Isabella beat Caitlin and India 4-3. There were some fantastic rallies from both sides throughout the match and the final score hinged on the last game of the day! Big congratulations to all players, particularly to Tilly and Isabella on their well-earned victory!