
Last weekend, Tom B. and his horse, Parkfield Quintessential took part in the international 5* Virtual Eventing where top event riders united to raise funds for the NHS and Coivd-19 charities. Tom was one of only two junior wildcard entries amongst 48 professionals.

Last weekend, Tom B. and his horse, Parkfield Quintessential took part in the international 5* Virtual Eventing where top event riders united to raise funds for the NHS and Coivd-19 charities. Tom was one of only two junior wildcard entries amongst 48 professionals.

Riders representing countries from Australia, USA, Brazil, New Zealand, and across Europe all took part in four areas: Trot Up, Dressage, Cross Country and Show Jumping (with three of the four challenges presenting a twist from traditional eventing).

After Tom and Parkfield Quintessential’s Parrot themed Trot Up, they set to work with the 5* Dressage test which left them lying 33rd out of 50, for first timer Tom, was a position he was very pleased with.

Tom then prepared for the Cross Country with his dog, Jack. This consisted of an obstacle course on foot whilst leading Jack, after which, Tom moved into 31st.

The final day focused on Show Jumping, with a twist. This time competing on Bike, Tom had to go around a course of poles on the floor, finishing in record time moved him up to a final position of 24th out of 50. Our congratulations go to Tom on this fantastic achievement.

‘The obstacle course on the Saturday was the most entertaining bit to watch as it was so different to anything we have ever done before!’ ‘ Tom B.

Each round can be watched again with the following links (time stamps provided for Tom’s participation)

Trot Up (00:16:25):
DR Dressage Day 1 (02:50:30):
XC Cross Country Part 1 (01:25:48):
SJ Shop Jumping Part 1 (00:58:40):

You are still able to donate to his fundraiser here: