
In response to the coronavirus outbreak, remote learning has introduced new resourceful ways of ensuring that our students continue to learn, while remaining connected and focused.

In response to the coronavirus outbreak, remote learning has introduced new resourceful ways of ensuring that our students continue to learn, while remaining connected and focused.’

The whole school community has been trained on new software that provides a virtual, interactive learning and working space. This enables teachers to hold lessons, set prep and assignments and check in with the students, supporting remote learning.’ The positive feedback from staff and students has poured in and it hasn’t just been used in traditional classroom settings.”

This week Mr Peter Harvey, Head of Food and Nutrition, taught a practical lesson online, with remote students using their kitchens at home via video link. He explains: ‘I wanted to use the challenges of teaching remotely as a positive experiment with the children. A lesson outline plan was sent to students with a list of ingredients and a recipe for cheese sauce. I demonstrated through the webcam and when they had questions or problems, we looked at it through the webcam to make suggestions and alterations. Students on both sides of the camera enjoyed the novel interaction and all had great success.””

Mr Havey commented that the one thing he was unable to monitor remotely was the student’s ability to clean up their workspace, “Apologies to parents who discover their kitchen isn’t how they left it. Hopefully they will soon be compensated for this with a delicious lunch courtesy of a loving, enthusiastic young cook!”

On remote learning, student James W., said: ‘I expected it to be difficult and to not be able to learn, but I was wrong! The remote learning lessons are very useful; I have now learnt how to use my laptop effectively for lessons and I feel I am prepared for when the school closes. It has been funny to see teachers celebrate it working.”

Dr Debbie Herring, Head of Theology, is experienced in remote teaching and has embraced the new remote learning platform. She commented: ‘I’ve learnt many methods for keeping groups under control and working productively at a good pace.’

Alex Gray, Director of IT and Digital Strategy, explains: ‘The staff and students have been amazing in how quickly they have adapted and have demonstrated their commitment to remote learning. The changes have been embraced whole heartedly.”

With an abundance of positive feedback, we look forward to sharing more of these stories across our social media in the lead up to the Easter holidays. Make sure you are following us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram so you don’t miss these updates.

Listen to the White Lion Weekly podcast hosted by Head of Sixth Form, Mr Louis Yates on Spotify.