
Another year and another amazing turn out from our senior houses at the inter-house badminton competition yesterday.

It was a marathon event this year, with all seven senior houses participating at the same time. Competition was both fierce and relentless, with only the most dedicated still standing at the end. That said, there was a great atmosphere created and all games were played in the best spirits. In the end, however there can only be one winner (well two).


Houses involved: Seven

Students involved: 43 (10% of student population) Rounds played: 11 Games played: 97 (out of 99, with the spoils from the last two games shared) Points won and lost: I haven’t counted. But it’s a lot!

Well done to the stalwarts of Egerton and Crake who were still hitting shuttles over the net at 5pm!


Girls’ Senior House badminton – Wilberforce (66% win percentage)

Wilberforce: 6 games won

Raymond: 3 games won

Boys’ Senior House badminton – Seymour (80% win percentage)

Seymour: 29 games won (out of 36 in total for each house)

Crake: 21 games won

Wilson: 19 games won

Egerton: 16 games won

Stonehill: 5 games won

Special mention to Anna V and Ray C who were unbeaten in their games in the girls’ match. In the boys’ match, well done to Archie H and Will D, dropping only one of their twelve games!

Also, a particular well done to Stonehill for attending their first ever house badminton event we wish them well for next year!