
Part of the Virtual Broader Curriculum, students have been asked to complete service activities in their communities, Reuben knew exactly how to help.

The start of this term saw the launch of the Virtual Broader Curriculum to ensure that we are still able to inspire new passions amongst our students, from the safety of remote learning environments.

One of the options from the Broader Curriculum is Service Activities. Usually a main focus for our Lower Sixth students, we have extended this responsibility to all students, where they must give some of their time towards service activities in place of their PSHE lessons. One suggestion given is: ‘Help with gardening, shopping or other physical tasks for neighbours, particularly those who are elderly or vulnerable’ this might include jet washing patios as well as clipping hedges.’

Lower School student, Reuben B, was quick to action when his father rescued many flowers from a local nursery, that were otherwise destined for landfill due to the pandemic. Together Reuben and his father have been making flower arrangements and delivering them to the elderly in his neighbourhood. Not only this, but he has also been helping his neighbours to maintain their gardens.

We did this because we know that people are stuck inside their homes as they’re over 70 and considered high risk. These flowers give them a bit of colour and help brighten up their day.‘ Reuben.

Sheila, one of Rueben’s recipients thanked him for his kind gesture and said, ‘It cheered me up no end ‘ it is very difficult being in isolation when you are used to having your family, especially grandchildren, around on a daily basis.’ I was also impressed that when you delivered the flowers you were mindful to respect the social distancing rules!

We are proud of Reuben’s commitment to his community and we know that they are very grateful for his generosity and service.

What service activities are you capable of? Make sure you share this with your teacher and feel free to send your story and photos to [email protected]