
Bloxham School girls U14 hockey team play brilliantly to come 2nd at county tournament and qualify for the regionals

The game was a huge success with the team finishing second, qualifying for the regionals, hosted at St Mary’s, in Ascot. Bloxham played Oxford High and St Edwards in two even matches with both teams creating chances. Both games finished 0-0. Against Cranford, Bloxham controlled possession through the midfield of Kitty, Jenny and Lottie R. This game finished with a 2-0 win, after a display of skilful and composed hockey. Against Tudor Hall, Bloxham scored an excellent counter attack goal with only 3 passes from one end to the other and were unlucky not to win the game with a goal being conceded in extra time. Against Headington, our defence; Esme, Flo, Nay, Izzy, Jenny and Jessie were tremendous at doing their job of keeping the ball out of the net. Against Cokethorpe, the team played some great hockey, passing superbly and there were a couple of great links between Lottie L, Lily and Sophie. This game finished 5-0 highlighting some incredible attacking play.’