The power of music was in full force on Tuesday night when over 130 musicians performed to a full St Mary’s church for the first Gala Concert since 2019.

The Chapel Choir were joined by OBs, parents and staff for a sublime performance of Faure’s Requiem. A few tears were subtly dabbed away during Urssie L’s ethereal solo in Pie Jesu and the Exham Chapel Choir filled the whole of St Mary’s (literally) with their atmospheric start to the second half.

With performances from Concert Band, Harmonix, Brass Ensemble, String Ensemble and a beautiful performance of Shostakovich by Leah N, it really was a fitting celebration of Music at Bloxham.

The following are just some of the reviews from parents and members of staff:

“Just a quick note to say thank you for the various performances you organised and performed in last night. I can only endorse what you said about the power and value of music. Faure was a particular highlight and brought back memories and some tears, having sung this a number times many years ago. The evolution of the choir(s) and variety of musicians is a such a testament to your enthusiasm and encouragement to pupils of all abilities.” – Fifth Form Parent

“I had to drop you a line to say what a fantastic concert last night! It was so wonderful to be together, meet more 1F parents and celebrate our children’s musical successes. Regardless of their abilities, I really love the knowledge and appreciation of different types of music that you are imbibing to them.” – First Form Parent

“May I just congratulate you on a fantastic concert last night! You and the kids should all be very proud.” – Member of Staff

A huge thank you to everyone involved in making it such as success, especially Mr Ramm and Mr Weymes for their tireless work with their choirs.

To see the photos from the concert, please Click Here.

Gala Concert Highlights