
On Saturday, we were joined by parents, Old Bloxhamists and friends of the school to celebrate Founderstide.

The day kick-started with our annual prize-giving assembly in the marquee in which we heard from the Headmaster, Chair of Governors and our guest speaker, former BBC and Sky presenter, Adrienne Lawler. We celebrated the achievements of our prize-winning students and reflected on the successful 2017-18 year Bloxham has enjoyed.

Guests then made their way back to the main school site where they were entertained by activities which ranged from strawberry scone making to Hands on Chemistry; a DT ‘build the tallest tower’ challenge to the Languages Cafe; and from a World Cup Competition to a live outdoor theatre performance of Much Ado About Nothing. There was plenty to see and take part in! Guests then made their way to Main Field where they enjoyed a delicious picnic lunch, put on by our fantastic Catering Department, in brightly coloured and beautifully decorated house marquees. Entertainment came in the form of the annual Old Bloxhamist v 1st XI cricket match, as well as musical delights from the school jazz band and the brilliant Seymour House Band, who captivated guests with all the crowd favourites!’

Junior sports day took place at Raymond Field and parents enjoyed the afternoon sunshine as students took to the track. Congratulations to Wilson and Raymond who succeeded in claiming the silverware this year.’

The day was drawn to a conclusion at the annual Founderstide Ball. With over 370 guests in attendance at the marquee, the night did not disappoint! Parents, Sixth Form students, staff and friends spent a wonderful evening dancing the night away with delightful food, company and entertainment.’

Thank you to everyone who attended, it was fantastic to see so many faces at the school and we hope you all enjoyed it as much as we did!’

To view photos from the entire day, please click here.