
The Fifth Form celebrated the end of their GCSE exams on Friday evening with a wonderful prom in the marquee at Bo Peep Farm, Adderbury.

With over 20 separate papers to sit during a five week period spanning half term, the pressure and challenges have been demanding on each individual. But, the opportunity to relax and to enjoy time together in a fabulous rural setting on a sunny evening with delicious food was fully embraced by all. With students mingling happily together outside, in black tie and long dresses with mocktails and canapes, the evening had a wonderfully relaxed and inclusive atmosphere. This continued throughout the evening as they swapped tables for main and pudding courses, and danced to music from our DJ, OB Robin Spencer-George (Sy 06-11) (of PoshPartiesUK).

It was a fitting end to their Fifth Form year, before returning into the Sixth Form in September. We wish all the students a relaxed and enjoyable summer of recuperating their sleep and energy, as they await their results in August.

To view photos from the evening, please click here.