
Our Fifth Form celebrated the end of their GCSE exams on Friday 14th June with a wonderful Prom in the marquee at Bo Peep Farm in Adderbury.

With over 20 separate papers to sit during a five week period spanning half term, the pressure and challenges have been demanding on each individual student, but the opportunity to relax and to enjoy time together in a fabulous rural setting with delicious food was fully embraced by all. Even the weather played its part by clearing, and even the sun shining at times.

Mingling happily together outside in black tie with mocktails and canapes, the students created a wonderfully relaxed and inclusive atmosphere. This continued in the marquee, which had been decorated earlier by the Prom Committee and especially Tabby C. Students danced to music from our DJ and Old Bloxhamist David Bletsoe-Brown (Wn 06-11) of Posh Parties UK, who included their playlist and some guest DJ’ing.

It was a fitting end to students’ Fifth Form year, and we look forward to welcoming them into the Sixth form in September. We wish all the students a relaxed and enjoyable summer of recuperating their sleep and energy, as they await their results in August.

See more photos from the evening on our Flickr page here.