We sat down for a chat with Sixth Former Aidan, who is playing electric guitar, acoustic guitar and ukulele in our production of Shrek, to gain an insider’s perspective on all things musical!

What made you want to be involved in the production?

I’ve not really done anything like it before and I wanted to try something totally new to me. It’s been a really enjoyable experience. I’ve been playing guitar since I was in Year Three, so for quite a while now. I had tried the ukulele before being part of Shrek, but I’ve had to really push myself to learn more for the production. It has been a great opportunity to grow my knowledge of an instrument I’m less familiar with.

Do you find it a challenge to perform this style of music?

The music in the show is classic musical theatre; you’ve got the big power ballads and some more rocky pieces like I’m A Believer which lots of people know from the Shrek films. There are also some slower, classical pieces which I’m less involved in. I find it a challenge performing some of these pieces because they’re more gentle than most of what I’ve done before. I haven’t played the guitar in a group this big before, although I do Jazz Band which means I’m used to playing with other people. I’ve played trombone in orchestra too.

Have you ever played at the same time as people are singing before? How are you finding it?

Never! It’s quite different because normally I play and sing at the same time, so it’s a bit of a contrast to what I’m used to to have somebody else singing. The key is just to listen to them really closely so you always pick up on the leads they’re giving you.

What have been some of your highlights from rehearsals?

Definitely seeing the whole thing come together in the final few weeks. They’ve just built the set and seeing that has been amazing. I’ve found it really enjoyable to see it all come together at the end as one whole. I’ve loved seeing the costumes too – they’re amazing!

What’s your favourite moment of the show?

Definitely performing I’m A Believer. It’s a style of music I’m more used to playing but it’s also the grand finale with everybody on the stage which is great to be a part of.