
The Old Bloxhamists met with the Bloxham School sailing team for their annual competition

The Old Bloxhamist and school sailing teams enjoyed a close match at the weekend.

A light north-westerly wind and pleasant sunshine ensured a good afternoon’s sailing. The Old Bloxhamists brought a strong team to face the youngsters in this year’s Bloxham VI, and were ultimately, ‘triumphant. At times the racing was closely fought, proving that both sides truly know the ropes, with Petr and Jamie doing particularly well for the School. Mark Skevington comments, “the results don’t reveal the true picture, which is one of tight team racing!” In each race the OBs came out on top, which was ensured by the superior boat speed of the Cooks and the mastery and use of the rules by Alex Peck (Sy 2006-11) and Henry Barwell (Eg 2007-10).

Thank you to all those who took part and for keeping the tradition of OB sailing matches alive, with particular thanks to Alex Peck for continuing to coordinate the event and captain the Old Bloxhamist side.