
An Easter message from Padre Duncan Weaver.

‘O lamb of God you take away the sin of the world, have mercy upon us.’

All Bloxhamists know how special the chapel is, and it was a real delight to have a sung Eucharist with a small choir last week for the first time in many months. The words above, sung by the choir, struck me a fresh and the service reminded us all present of the centrality of the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ for our faith, which we come to remember especially this Easter weekend.

The celebrations of Easter may be muted due to the virus, but the eternal truth of love showing itself through pain and death to bring forgiveness and new life remain and nothing in the whole world can take that away. You may not be able to sit in our beautiful chapel physically this Easter and to enjoy its peace, however wherever you are may you know His peace and forgiveness and be able to proclaim in your hearts the Easter greeting:

Christ is risen, He is risen indeed Hallelujah.