On Monday 20th March the Great Hall was packed with exhibitors from local businesses and the professions, as well as representatives from higher education organisations, giving students from across North Oxfordshire the chance to talk about their futures.

Bloxham’s annual Careers Fair was bustling on Monday evening, with around forty exhibitors delivering advice to students from schools across North Oxfordshire.

Students were given the opportunity to chat to local and national businesses to find out about the different roles within their industries, and explore opportunities for work experience and apprenticeships. A wide range of industry sectors were represented at the fair including: law, landscaping, hospitality, engineering, agriculture, manufacturing, medical and veterinary, writing and theatre arts.

Universities and gap year organisations were also on hand to offer information about the application process and the range of courses and programmes offered.

Thank you so much to all of the exhibitors for providing such useful advice and inspiration to the students and their families.’