This July, a group of Bloxham Sixth Formers and staff enjoyed a week of alpine climbing in the Swiss Alps
At the beginning of July, a group of Bloxham climbers travelled to Switzerland for a week of alpine climbing. Thank you to Mr Sanderson for his report below:
On Friday 1st July, eight Bloxham Sixth Formers, accompanied by Mr Dann, the Headmaster and special driver and cook, Chris Sergeant, departed for a week of Alpine Climbing in the Swiss Alps. Using a camp site in Evol’ne‘as their valley base, the group climbed several alpine peaks of the Swiss Valais, including Pointe de Moiry, Mont Blanc de Cheilon and the Pigne d’Arolla. The weather and company were excellent throughout and the team achieved a great deal more in terms of summits and the difficulty of routes than was expected. The week’s climbing concluded with some outstanding multi-Pitch rock climbing at La Maya and Sanetsch, with the best climbers in the group climbing, ‘Au Bord Du Vide’, a seven pitch 6a+ route.
From the beginning to the end of the trip, the good humour and thoughtfulness of the students was tremendous (even when 4.00am climbing starts were required). The experience of climbing Swiss peaks will be one that will remain with the students for many years to come and it was a fitting way for the older students to conclude their time at Bloxham. There has already been a call for an alumni trip next year!
Click here to view some more photos from the climbing trip.
Visit Graham Frost’s blog to find out a bit more and to view some more photos taken during the group’s adventures in the mountains.