
On Friday, 5th Form students celebrated in style at the Cotswold Hotel & Spa.

Friday 16th June saw the end of GCSE exams for the 5th‘Form and an opportunity to celebrate this landmark, following weeks of hard work and pressure.

The year group dressed up for the occasion and gathered at the Cotswold Hotel & Spa outside Chipping Norton to enjoy a lovely summer evening. Drinks and canapes were offered on the terrace, before a delicious two course dinner was served in the ‘Marquee’. OB David Bletsoe-Brown was the DJ for the evening with dancing in a separate room. The whole evening was a great success with a wonderful atmosphere, making a fitting end to their 5th Form year.

We wish all the students a relaxed and enjoyable summer of recuperating sleep and energy, ready for the 6th Form in September.

To view photos from the evening, click here.