Our 2024 Careers Fair was a fabulous evening in which pupils from First Form right the way through to Upper Sixth had the opportunity to meet with exhibitors from a wide range of industries, drawing inspiration from the life lessons they shared and beginning to hone their plans for the future. It was lovely to welcome lots of parents to the event to support and encourage their children in exploring the fair.

We invited guests to attend as careers representatives to talk to pupils about their career experiences, industry knowledge and answer questions about how to forge a career in various sectors/businesses. As well as a wide variety of businesses and vocational occupations covering many careers interests, there was also information about work experience opportunities and an array of exhibiting universities and institutions.

At Bloxham, we think that you’re never too young to start finding out about the wide array of job options available, so the evening began with a session specifically for our youngest pupils. They chatted to our exhibitors about the kinds of careers which they might like to have in the future, and asked lots of interesting questions, like what a normal day in that industry looks like. Jobs in writing and engineering proved particularly popular with the Exham pupils.

After a delicious supper prepared by our talented hospitality students, the exhibitors were ready and raring to go for their next session with pupils from Third to Fifth Form. It was particularly useful for pupils thinking about what A Levels they would like to choose to have the chance to chat with both representatives from various universities and those involved in industries in which they are interested.

Finally, it was time for our Sixth Form to enter the fair, and they did so with great enthusiasm and energy. The university tables proved particularly popular with the Lower Sixth, while the Upper Sixth were more focused on exploring what they could do to make themselves stand out to potential employers. Our CV Clinic with recruitment expert Emma Goodman was also popular with our Sixth Formers as they learned about how to write a CV that will make an employer sit up and take stock.

It was wonderful to hear lots of positive feedback from all our exhibitors about how engaged and insightful our pupils had proven themselves to be. A big thank you to all the exhibitors for giving up their evening to come and inspire our pupils.