
After completing their Duke of Edinburgh Bronze Award at the start of the Summer Term, a group of Third Form chose to look at outdoor cookery in more detail.

The aim was to preparing Gold Expedition standard meals that combined nutritional value with low weight/long shelf-life food. The students learned to use clever substitutions to reduce the weight of the meal whilst maintaining flavour, cooking dishes such as; three bean chilli, blueberry porridge, calzones, risotto and even cakes made inside an orange peel!

Yesterday was the finale of the competition where each group had to use their new knowledge and design a recipe that would feed four people, which could be carried for at least 24 hours without spoiling and had a maximum weight of 1kg to feed all students (excluding water that they could get from a campsite).

Congratulations to Inés DLCN. and Liza U. who won the main course round with a lovely mushroom risotto using dried mushrooms to enhance the flavour. And the winning dessert went to Molly B. and Liberty H. who cooked a chocolate cake inside an orange peel!