A number of Bloxham students competed at the Banbury Young Musician of the Year competition this weekend.
This weekend saw Third Formers Venetia (Wilberforce) and Emma (Raymond) win five awards between them with their recorder wizardry at this weekend’s Banbury Young Musician of the Year competition.
They both won the Intermediate Duets Cup and the Overall Ensemble Cup with their performance of Telemann’s Sonata in F Major. Venetia won the Intermediate Woodwind Cup, Most Improved Performance Cup and then went onto win the whole competition and is now crowned Banbury Young Musician of the Year!
Both students started at Bloxham in September, and learn recorder with Sally Adams, who they both thank for her amazing teaching and effort she has put into their success. Venetia has spent the prize money on a new phone and Emma is saving her prize money for a London shopping trip.
Upper Sixth student Octavia (from Wilberforce House) won the competition last year and gave a beautiful recital while the judges were deliberating.
Venetia has now been selected to enter the next round of the Rotary Club competition, which will take place in Reading next weekend. Watch this space