
Last week, Bloxham welcomed a team from Christians in Sport to the school to lead a number of activities with our students

Bloxham School were delighted to host a team from Christians in Sport on Friday 20th March.

The leader of their Youth team, Tom, preached in Chapel on Thursday evening to the theme of ‘Who do you say that I am?’ from Mark 8:27-29, which set up the whole day of mission events for the Friday.’

On Friday, a team of eight (three staff and five Academy students) arrived in time for the first two lessons with the Fourth Form- including discussion and video examples of ‘good sport, bad sport’. This was followed by an opportunity for some of the Sixth Formers to meet and chat with our guests’ several students found it extremely enlightening and encouraging to discuss experiences and beliefs with only slightly older Christians. Our guests organised and hosted a multi-media Sports Quiz with the Fourth Form over lunch and included a personal testimony from one of the team. After lessons, the Third Form took part in a series of Team Challenges’ fun games that are a part of the Christians in Sport summer camps. Friday came to an end with Tom again preaching in Chapel, this time to the other half of the school. The day was a huge encouragement for Christian staff and students alike, and a wonderful opportunity for all to hear the good news of Jesus Christ.