On Sunday, Bloxham hosted its annual Tennis Festival for prep schools.

On Sunday, Bloxham hosted its annual Tennis Festival for prep schools.

Bloxham hosted 28 (14 pairs) players from 4 different schools. There were some brilliant backspins, skilful volleys and spectacular serves on display. The girls’ stamina and enthusiasm remained high, despite the added challenge of playing in soaring temperatures.

The semi finals saw Winchester House 1 (Jemima B and Daisy L) beat Bloxham 1 (Callie R and Leah N) 4-1, with St Hugh’s 1 (Christabel C and Susanna W) beating Bloxham B 1 (Eleanor B and Florence T) 4-2.

This meant that St Hugh’s doubles team (Christabel and Susanna) won the trophy, after an exciting final against Winchester House School.

Well done to all over those who played ‘ we hope to see you again next year!