Award winning children’s author, Jo Cotterill, delivered a fun and interactive creative writing workshop at Bloxham School on Saturday for visiting primary school children.

The children learned how to develop the initial ideas for story writing; including elements such as characterisation, suspense and pace.’ Jo used examples from her own ‘Electrigirl’ series of novels, and brought along images to inspire original writing. Each child left with their own piece of creative work.

Bloxham’s Headmaster, Paul Sanderson, said: ‘We were thrilled to welcome Jo to Bloxham. She demonstrated a range of inspiring writing techniques and there was a real buzz during the workshop. The room was brimming with ideas and the children produced some impressive and original pieces of creative writing.’

Jo Cotterill is a writer for children and young people, whose novels have been shortlisted for numerous regional awards. Her book, A Library of Lemons, recently won the Oxfordshire Book Award 2017. ‘More information about the author can be found at’