
Bloxham celebrates as its A Level students achieve an outstanding 100% pass rate

Bloxham’s Sixth Formers are celebrating success in their A Levels, after achieving an outstanding 100 per cent pass rate.

The results continued in the same positive vein as last year, with an increase in the percentage of A*s to As awarded.

The largest proportion of A*s/As were attained in Maths, Further Maths, Economics and Chemistry, along with Geography, Religious Studies, Design & Technology and Theatre Studies.

Paul Sanderson, Headmaster, said: ‘Our students have worked incredibly hard to achieve this year’s strong set of A Level results. I am extremely proud and pleased that their effort and endeavour has paid off. Along with everyone at Bloxham, I wish them well as they embark on the next exciting stage of their lives.’

Two of this year’s cohort ‘ Harry Moir and Hector Gardiner ‘ have been accepted to study at Cambridge University. It’s fantastic news for the boys, who endured a gruelling entrance procedure to secure provisional offers and are now thrilled to have confirmed their places.

On receiving his two A*s and an A grade Harry described his ‘massive relief and excitement’ at gaining entry to his first choice university. Hector, who also achieved two A*s and an A, added: ‘It’s great to finally have my results and to know 100 per cent that I’ve got into Cambridge.’

Fellow student Saskia Hall, who achieved A*, A, A, B to gain entry to Bristol to study Maths and Economics, said: ‘I’m absolutely delighted and hugely relieved that all the hard work has paid off. I feel very excited about my move to Bristol but will keep in touch with everyone at Bloxham.’

Also going to Bristol, to study Law, is Sam Manning. He said he was ‘thrilled’ to have achieved threes As and an A* and was ‘looking forward to the next chapter.’

You can see pictures of some of our students celebrating here.