We would like to congratulate all of our Sixth Form students who received their excellent A Level results this summer

Well done to all Bloxham students for achieving such excellent A Level results. Their months of hard work and focus were justly rewarded, with many students exceeding all expectations.

There were some really strong performances by individuals, and the subjects which recorded the strongest results’were maths, the sciences, humanities, arts and languages. Overall, these were a very positive set of results, with all but two students gaining entry to their chosen’universities.

Paul Sanderson, Headmaster, commented: “I feel very proud of all of our students today. They have worked really hard, achieved their best and ‘ in nearly all cases ‘ got into a university of their choice. I am also delighted that our Lower Sixth students performed so well in their AS results, with many awarded the highest grades, providing a solid basis for success next year. Congratulations to them all.”

We wish them all of our students well as they embark on the next, exciting stage of their lives.

We are delighted to share some of our students’ own reactions below:

Lara MacFadyen: “I was so surprised but delighted when I opened my results! I’ve obtained a place at Durham University to study natural sciences, starting in October 2015, so I am going to have an awesome gap year after 2 years of hard work at Bloxham School.”

Lachezar Petkov: “I am very pleased with the set of results I have as I had to put in a lot of effort and’being an Eastern European scholar. All my teachers gave me support and were confident in me doing well. I am now thrilled to be’going to Aston University, Birmingham to do Law with Management.”

Meijie Yan: “Persevere and your dream will become true! I feel’so privileged to have been accepted by King’s College London and I am really looking forward to new challenges there. I wish everyone at Bloxham all the best!”

Emma Glanville: ” I felt an overwhelming sense of relief that my plan to go to Exeter in September to study Business Economics would now happen!.. It was a lovely bonus when I went into school to pick up my actual grade letter to realise I’d got an A* in Economics… I was especially pleased for Mrs Cooper too, whose been such an inspirational Economics teacher for me.”