
The Bloxham School Armistice Day Remembrance Service was once again held on the Headmaster’s Lawn, with staff and students gathering to commemorate those who lost lives their lives fighting for their country

Staff and students gathered around the Headmaster’s Lawn this morning, to remember those who lost their lives fighting to protect our freedom.

Bloxham’s clay poppies, made lovingly by last year’s First Form, under the guidance of Will Lehmann from Whichford Pottery (which produced thousands of the original clay poppies displayed in London) were arranged on the lawn to signify the loss of each of the 135 Old Bloxhamists whose lives were lost in the World Wars.

The service was carried out by Bloxham’s Chaplain, Gerard Moate, and the names of the 135 Old Bloxhamist’s were read out, impressing upon us the scale of the losses and sacrifice that were made for us to live in a secure and free country. ‘