
New for this year, Third Form students enjoyed a trip to Montpellier, a vibrant and colourful city situated in the Languedoc area of the South of France.

Students stayed in pairs with host families who lived around the centre of Montpellier. They got to sample some traditional French dishes and managed to navigate themselves around the very efficient and extremely colourful tram system. Students received around twelve hours French tuition delivered by native French speakers at the Langues Sans Fronti’res (LSF) Language School. In the afternoons, students participated in a range of other activities including: a guided tour of Montpellier, visits to N’mes, Avignon and the Palais des P’pes and Pont d’Avignon. The group also visited the amazing Grottes des Demoiselles. No photos could really capture their beauty. Nor could they capture the awesome moment when a tightrope walker was spotted hundreds of metres up slowly inching her way from one side of the cave to another!

A visit to the South of France could not be complete without a visit to the beach, finished off with pizzas and a game of volleyball. One of the highlights was the Photomania activity. The aim was to enable students to practise their French and get creative. Students were put into two teams and, equipped with a camera, and had to take group photographs in various places and with various people. Some super photos were taken which will take a proud place on the trips noticeboard.

We were blessed with fantastic weather and a super group. Many thanks to all for helping to make it a great trip, especially Mrs Cochran for this write up, and Mr Pigott and Mr Ramm for their help in leading the trip.