The final few weeks of the Michaelmas Term have been jam-packed with festive fun.

Christmas in the Houses began on 1st December (or perhaps just a day or two earlier in some cases!). Each House had a beautiful tree delivered to the door by a member of our diligent Grounds Team, and then it was time for the Housemasters, Housemistresses and Matrons to shine. The pupils came back to rooms bedecked with Christmas decorations, elves on shelves, homemade advent calendars, festive bakes and so much more to keep them going through the last days of term.

Throughout December, the Music Department have really pulled out all the stops with multiple concerts and carol services, all of which involved pupils performing to the highest standard and making memories with their families which will last a lifetime. A particular highlight of this plethora of merry music was the Carols by Candlelight service, which was held this year at St Mary’s. A great many pupils took part, with parents, grandparents and Old Bloxhamists alike enjoying the beauty of the service, the setting and the seasonal songs reminding all of the true message of Christmas.

An unexpected festive delight which we’ve been lucky enough to experience this December has been the frost and snow which have made an exciting change from the usually damp and misty Decembers we have had in recent years. Bloxham pupils have certainly been making the most of this! Our pupils don’t seem to mind the sub-zero temperatures judging by the happy laughter that accompanies any trip outside, and popular opinion seems to be that the best way to warm up is with a snowball fight. Many particularly enjoyed the Santa Run which was organised by the Sports Department in aid of Katharine House Hospice. The Christmas songs and hot chocolate certainly kept them all going.

The last few days of term really showcased everyone’s hard work, but it was the catering department who went above and beyond. Not only did they cook a sumptuous Christmas lunch for each and every member of the Bloxham School community on Thursday, they also arranged a magical Christmas food market for us all to enjoy on Friday. The churros and hot chocolate were a real highlight, as were the beautiful decorations and songs which had us finishing the term in the best possible spirits, excited for that perfect blend of joy and relaxation which the Christmas holidays bring.

To see photos from some of our Christmas events, please click here.

We would like to take this opportunity to wish all a very Merry Christmas. We look forward to seeing what fun and excitement the New Year will bring to Bloxham.