The 2nd Bloxham Brownies were Super Scientists this week when they visited Bloxham for a workshop to promote the theme ‘Women in Science’.

The 2nd Bloxham Brownies recently visited the science department to find out what it takes to become a ‘Super Scientist’. The workshop held by Dr Floate saw the girls exploring the theme of ‘Women in Science’.

In groups of three, the girls identified various solids and liquids by heating or mixing them, whilst recording each of the chemical reactions. The excitement was visible on their faces as they watched flames turn red, pink and green, with the clear liquids turning turquoise or even beginning to fizz.’

Carol, the group leader said: “Everyone would like to thank Dr Simon Floate for giving up his time and giving the girls a night to remember, he was patient and wonderful.”

With the girls describing the workshop as “the best session ever”, “phenomenal” and asking “can we do it again?!”‘I think it is clear to say that the workshop was a success.’

We hope that these happy memories will inspire the girls to become scientists of the future!