Founderstide is a huge occasion in the Bloxham calendar and a fantastic celebratory day for all to look forward to. For those new to the Bloxham community, here’s a full rundown on what Founderstide entails.

What does ‘Founderstide’ mean?
The first Founders Tide was held in 1913 in memory of the school’s Founder, PR Egerton, shortly after his death. It originally took place on Egerton’s birthday, 14th July, but was soon moved to the weekend nearest that date so that a cricket match could be played between Old Bloxhamists and students a tradition still honoured now.

Founders Tide was for many years a two-day event which consisted of speeches and a prize-giving; a church service, cricket match and a ball. Over the years the celebration was condensed into one day and the title words combined to ‘Founderstide’, as we now know it.

As summer terms grew shorter and the exam season longer, the celebration was moved to the end of May in 1979 and then in 2004 to the beginning of May. In 2016 we moved the day to late June, closer to its original date. This year pupils and visitors can expect a prize-giving, picnic lunch, cricket matches, and a range of activities and displays during the day, before the ball in the evening. We look forward to welcoming you.

Saturday 28th June 2025, 10.00am to Midnight

Daytime programme

Who can attend?
Founderstide Day is open to families of all students, Old Bloxhamists, staff, Governors and friends of Bloxham School. If you would like to attend, please confirm your details via this form.

The Founderstide Ball ends the day’s celebrations, with tickets available for parents/guardians from all year groups, Old Bloxhamists, former & current members of staff, Governors and friends of the School. Sixth Form students are also invited to the Ball. See below for further booking details.

What are the timings of the day?

10.00amWhole School Celebration and Prize-giving

Marquee at Second Field, Courtington Lane
10.30amOld Bloxhamists vs 1st XI Cricket Match

Main Field

Served on Main School Site
11.30am onwardsActivities & Displays

Various locations on site
12.30pmPicnic Lunch

Served on Main Field
2.00pmDay programme ends
6.30pm Founderstide Ball

Marquee at Second Field, Courtington Lane

The evening Ball

What is included in a ticket?
Guests of the ball will enjoy a three-course meal, welcome drink with live music and dancing until midnight. Tickets cost £100.

What’s the dress code?
Guests are expected to wear Black Tie.

How do I purchase tickets?

Please email [email protected] to book your tickets or alternatively click here.

All tables seat 10 people and you are asked to organise a table of that number. If you are fewer in number and wish to come along, we will place you on other tables if there are spaces.

We will need the following information from you at the time of booking:

  • Booking Holder Name (Please nominate one person for your table to be the booking holder who we may co-ordinate with.)
  • First name, surname of each person in your party, together with any dietary or medical requirements

Tickets must be paid for directly via BACs into the school bank account as follows:

Bank: Barclays Bank PLC. Branch: Pall Mall, London. Sort Code: 20-65-82.

A/c name: – Bloxham School Ltd.  A/c Number:- 60796603

IBAN: – GB45 BARC2065 8260 7966 03      SWIFTBIC BARCGB22

Please use the reference FDST2025 plus your Full Name

Your ticket will only be confirmed when all details have been provided and on receipt of payment of the whole amount.

How do we book for Sixth Form tickets?

If you are a Sixth Form parent, tickets for your child and guest will be organised via the Head of Sixth Form, Emma Exelby. The cost of their ticket/s and drinks vouchers will be added to their next school bill.