In addition to regular bursaries and scholarships, a limited number of transformational awards known as Raymond Scholarships are available at Bloxham. Like other scholarships, these are offered to pupils who show talent or potential in a particular field or all-round ability and/or qualities of leadership. Unlike other scholarships however these are means-tested awards, typically where significant financial assistance is required to access the opportunity.

Awards are offered to suitable bursary applicants as part of the standard admissions procedure. For further information about applying for financial assistance, please click here. There is no requirement to complete a Scholarship Application Form to be considered for these awards.

About the Raymond Scholar Programme

In 1984 the Roger Raymond Charitable Trust, originally settled by OB Roger Raymond (Cr 1920-28) in 1971, established the Raymond Scholarship programme to support a small number of pupils at the School in Roger’s memory. Over the years, the Trust has continued to fund the programme which has now grown in scope and currently supports 12 students at the School.

Donations to The Raymond Fund together with income from the School’s Endowment Funds both ensure that the School can support a number of Raymond Scholars each year. While a percentage of the cost of the Raymond Scholar programme is funded by the School, the programme is largely funded by philanthropic gifts from The Roger Raymond Charitable Trust, the Bloxham community and other charitable trusts and foundations.


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